Mobile APP Special Offer

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OsseoDent has negotiated an 1024 xx 1024 xx - Copy (5) - Copy_clipped_rev_2exclusive deal for Dental Office Customers to create a Mobile APP for their Patients with Way Out Mobile.



Many Dental Office have inquired about Mobile and Digital Technology.  We have partnered with Way Out Mobile Solutions, Inc. to bring you a OsseoDent Special Promotion.  Click here to learn more and use Promo Code “OsseoDent” to waive the customary $3,950 initial fee and participate in an exclusive Dental Digital Marketing Program that works.

With this agreement our partners will…

1) Build your Custom Dental Mobile APP waiving customary $3,950 Fee.

2) Then Manage all its Content with your Branding and Image on an ongoing basis.  

buttonDigital Mobile technology is here and has become today’s Word Of Mouth advertisement.  

Contact your OsseoDent representative or the folks at Way Out Mobile.  

Please remember to use promo codeOsseoDent” to get this OsseoDent Special Offer.